Coaches of Northeast Ohio Flag Football will be expected to be positive role models for our paticipants.
* Coaches will always act in a positive/respectful manner towards players, other Coaches, parents and Officials.
* Coaches should have knowledge of the basic fundamentals of football versus a “win at all cost” philosophy.
* Every child should have the opportunity to play.
* Coaches are responsible for understanding the rules of the game and abide by those rules at all times.
Please read the section below. Any violation of these rules will result in either a warning, suspension, and/or termination from any affiliation with Northeast Ohio Flag Football with no refund of fees paid. All violations will be discussed between Game Officials & Board Members. If there are any questions, please e-mail us at [email protected]
This league and these games are for the benefit of the athletes-not the adult spectators or coaches.
* Only positive actions will be tolerated--absolutely no taunting, harassing, and foul language. Negative actions, verbal or physical, towards any player, Official, parent, Coach, or Northeast Ohio Football Board Member will not be tolerated.
* The Officials are in charge of the games. Parents should not question or confront an Official or Coach during, before, or after the game.
* Spectators, players, or Coaches will not use alcohol, tobacco or drugs at games or practices.
* Any player that is caught playing in an age group that is not with in league rules and playing below the age division that they supposed to be in will result in a hearing with league officials and if found guilty they will be immediatly suspended from the league (with NO refund).
*Any coach that is thought to be playing an athlete that is older than the age division will be placed on immediate suspension untill a hearing with league officials to determine the punishment-most likely they will be banished from having any connection with Northeast Ohio Flag Footaball Inc.
Please visit The Positive Coaching Alliance website for resources on how to provide the best experience for athletes of all ages.
Weather Thirty-Minute Rule – Competition or practice shall be suspended once lightning has been recognized or thunder is heard. It is required to wait at least 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning is witnessed or thunder is heard prior to resuming practice or competition. Given the average rates of thunderstorm travel, the storm should move 10-12 miles away from the area. This significantly reduces the risk of local lightning flashes. Any subsequent lightning or thunder after the beginning of the 30-minute count shall reset the clock, and another count shall begin.
Northeast Ohio Flag Football requires background checks Coaches, and Staff. We currently use Checkr to run these checks.
All Fees associated with the mandatory background checks are paid by Northeast Ohio Flag Football.
Background Checks have been implemented for the purpose of:
Promoting a safe environment for kids and parents. *Please note; Background screening is designed as a preventative risk management tool but does not ensure inappropriate behavior will not occur.
What Coaches can expect from a background check:
Background checks will require an applicant’s full name, social security number, and date of birth.
Background Checks will search
- National Criminal Search
- Sex Offender Search
- Global Watchlist Search
What DISQUALIFIES a potential coach:
- Sexual Offenses and Misconduct Felonies
- Any child abuse or domestic violence Felonies
- Crimes that include controlled substances (not paraphernalia or alcohol)
- Pending charges including violence, sexual offense, child abuse, or controlled substances
Policies To Protect Against Misconduct
- All forms of abuse including sexual, physical, emotional, harassment, bullying, and hazing are prohibited.
Reporting A Suspicion of Child Sexual or Physical Abuse and Other Misconduct
Any adult staff member who has a suspicion of child sexual or physical abuse to independently report such suspicion directly to law enforcement within 24 hours.